Saturday, April 3, 2010

I am

It is not easy to explain but so good the feeling inside and the pleasure of doing it is not the feeling you can easily run away from. Yes I am so into it. A day with ought my music will be a curse i guess. For me the sensational feeling comes from the moment you feel the sound in your head into the rhythm that comes following your melody. The time you get to the lyrics there is no turning back, you know that something is there.

I am not talking about the commercial stuff that our bosses want to hear at the end of the week to keep the cash flowing in. NO nono... this is not the replica of the most famous song from the 70s. I am talking about what comes from within when you see something that caught your eye unexpectedly in your way to work. people think you are crazy looking for a piece of paper to get the melody that is ringing in your head down. it is amazing when that happens in the middle of a conversation in a restaurant, because you can not explain to anyone what is going on in your head but rather keep that going until the next chance of going to the gentlemen' s and you are free.

I am so into it you can not believe I wont change to be nobody else in this life. Being myself is such a challenge in this crazy world of living a lie, cheat and paranoia. Musician are special people and for that I salute each and every one who take what he/she is into consideration and learn to be normal amongst the multitude who have no clue who we are.
If words were my right hand I would have told you in many different ways how much i love music. Today is kind of strange. I had a wonderful time with musicians that listens to what they are doing.
I am running out of word but

1 comment:

Ndlovukazi said...

you are 2 special n i knw what u talking abt remember waking up in the middle of the nite 2 go n write that melody;-)